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Grease Traps in Restaurants

The last thing your customers want to experience when coming to your restaurant is an unpleasant stench wafting into the dining room detracting from their enjoyable meal. Grease traps in restaurants are a crucial aspect of the effective water management and smooth operation of restaurant kitchens.

When Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG) are not treated before discharge, they can become trapped into our sewers and cause blockages, creating serious health issues in the community. A restaurant grease trap from ACO is assurance that you are disposing of waste correctly.

Whether you are a manager, owner or contractor, ensuring that your next commercial assignment uses an industrial grade oil, grease and fat trap in your disposal procedures inside your kitchen restaurant is essential to correctly disposing of waste in an environmentally-friendly fashion.

Although waste disposal methods mightn’t be a top priority, not having a high performing and restaurant grease trap / restaurant grease interceptor can come at a significant cost. Not only will you be putting yourself and your business at risk of non-compliance and breaching protocol set in place by water management regulators, but you could face costly retrospective installation.

So put your business first, and get your restaurant grease trap sorted by the professionals.

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